Money laundering

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Penal Code 186.10

People v. Mays (2007) 148 Cal.App.4th 13

Health and Safety Code 11370.9

Penal Code 14166

Fin. Code 2000 Fin. Code 2152

Former Fin. Code 1823 AB2789, Stats. 2010, ch. 612. Stats. 2011, ch. 243

Money Transmitters. (Fin.C. 2000 et seq.; see Fin.C. 2030(a) [necessity of license]; Fin.C. 2152 [making false representation in record required by statute or engaging in money transmission activity without license is felony]; People v. Niroomandi (2005) 131 C.A.4th 1432, 1440, 32 C.R.3d 736 [former Fin.C. 1823, which described violations of former money transmission act, applied to every person who violated law and was not limited to directors or officers of corporations]; People v. Noori (2006) 136 C.A.4th 964, 972, 39 C.R.3d 153 [former Fin.C. 1823 was general intent crime that did not require specific knowledge of noncompliance with licensing requirement].)

People v. Noori (2006) 136 Cal.App.4th 964.

People v. Niroomandi (2005)131 Cal. App. 4th 1432

People v. Le (Aug. 31, 2020, G057685)