Sex offender registration

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Sex offender registration

Sex offender registration in some cases is discretionary, under old PC290(a)(2)(E), now PC290.006. A court can order registration in any case "if the court finds at the time of conviction or sentencing that the person committed the offense as a result of sexual compulsion or for purposes of sexual gratification." The burden of proof for finding those facts is preponderance of the evidence. (People v. Marchand (2002) 98 Cal.App.4th 1056.) Sex offender registration is not a punishment and not subject to Apprendi. (People v. Picklesimer (2010) 48 Cal.4th 330.)

The ignominy of sex offender registration are manyfold and are not limited to the California Penal Code, but are scattered throughout many statutes and regulations. The ABA has produced a website listing the collateral consequences of convictions, including the many consequences of sex offender registration.

Tiered registration under SB384 (starting 01/01/21)

If case pleads out as a felony that would be Tier 3 lifetime, but if reduced to a misdemeanor after sentencing and grant of probation and would be Tier 1 as a misdemeanor, because of PC17(e), it remains a Tier 3 lifetime registration even if reduced. (People v. Manzoor (2023) 95 Cal.App.5th 548.)

Tier One, 10+-years registration
Code Crime Notes
PC243.4(b) or (e) Sexual battery
PC261(a)(1), (5), or (7) Rape
PC266 Enticement of female minor
PC266c Consent to sex by fraud or fear
PC285 Incest
PC286(a), (b), or (c)(1) Sodomy
PC288.3 Contacting minor to commit sexual offense Committed with intent to commit PC286(b), PC287(b), former 288(a), 289(h), or 289(i)
PC288a(a), (b), or (c)(1) Oral copulation on a minor
PC311.1 Distribution of obscene matter depicting minor Only if a misdemeanor
PC311.2(c) Distribution of matter depicting minor engaging in sex Only if a misdemeanor
PC311.11 Possession of child pornography Only if a misdemeanor
PC314 Indecent exposure
PC647.6 Child molestation If a first conviction
PC290.006 On finding of court on any offense committed as a result of sexual compulsion or for purposes of sexual gratification
Tier Two, 20+-years registration
Code Crime Notes
PC261(a)(6) Rape
PC288(a) Lewd act on a child
PC647.6 Child molestation If a second or subsequent conviction
PC290.006 On finding of court for any offense committed as a result of sexual compulsion or for purposes of sexual gratification
Tier Three, lifetime registration
Code Crime Notes
PC187 Murder committed in an attempt to perpetrate rape, PC286, PC288, PC288a, or PC289
PC207 Kidnapping committed with intent to PC261, PC286, PC288, PC288a, or PC289
PC209 Kidnapping for ransom committed with intent to PC261, PC286, PC288, PC288a, or PC289
PC220 Assault with intent to commit sex offenses Assault with intent to commit mayhem is excluded
PC236.1(b) or (c) Human trafficking Includes trafficking for extortion
PC243.4(a), (c), or (d) Sexual battery
PC261(a)(2),(3), or (4) Rape
PC262(a)(1) Spousal rape Must involve use of force or violence and sentence to state prison
PC264.1 Aiding or abetting rape
PC266h(b) Pimping a minor
PC266i(b) Pandering with a minor
PC266j Procurement of child under 16
PC267 Abduction of minor for prostitution
PC269 Aggravated sexual assault of a child
PC272 Contributing to delinquency of a minor If it involves lewd or lascivious conduct
PC286(c)(2), (d), (f), or (i) Sodomy
PC288(b) or (c) Lewd act on a child
PC288a(c)(2), (d), (f), or (i) Oral copulation on a minor
PC288.2 Sending harmful matter to minor If a felony
PC288.3 Contacting minor to commit sexual offense Committed with intent to commit 207, 209, 261, 264.1, 273a, 286 (except b), 287 (except b), 288, 288.2, 289 (except h and i), 311.1, 311.2, 311.4 or 311.11
PC288.4 Arranging meeting with minor for lewd conduct
PC288.5 Continuous sexual abuse of a child
PC288.7 Sex with a child under 10 years of age
PC289(a)(2), (d), (e), or (j) Sexual penetration
PC311.1 Distribution of obscene matter depicting minor Only if a felony
PC311.2(b), (c), or (d) Distribution of matter depicting minor engaging in sex Only if a felony
PC311.3 Sexual exploitation of child
PC311.4 Use of minor in obscene matter
PC311.10 Advertising obscene matter depicting minor
PC311.11 Possession of child pornography Only if a felony
Former PC647a Child molestation
PC653f(c) Solicitation of commission of certain sex offenses
PC182 Conspiracy of any of the above
PC664 Attempt of any of the above
PC290.006 On finding of court on any offense committed as a result of sexual compulsion or for purposes of sexual gratification
WIC6300 Mentally disordered sex offender (MDSO)
WIC6600 Adjudication as a sexually violent predator (SVP)

Offenses requiring sex registration

The main list of sex registerable offenses is in PC290(c)

There were several offenses for which sex offender registration was not mandatory under People v. Hofsheier (2006) 37 Cal.4th 1185. Registration was discretionary. However, Johnson v. Department of Justice (2015) 60 Cal.4th 871 overruled Hofsheier. All of those are noted by strikeouts.

Sex Offenses That Do NOT Require Registration
Code Crime Notes
PC261(a)(7) Rape But qualifies one for SVP. As of 01/01/21, will be a registerable offense.
PC261.5 Statutory rape
PC262 Spousal rape If (a)(1), no use of force or violence and no sentence to state prison
PC266h(a) Pimping
PC266i(a) Pandering
PC272 Contributing to delinquency of a minor If it does not involve lewd or lascivious conduct
PC273g Lewdness in presence of child
PC281 Bigamy
PC286(b)(1) or (2) Sodomy People v. Thompson (2009) 177 Cal.App.4th 1424, 1430–1431
PC286.5 Bestiality
PC288a(b)(1) Oral copulation with a person under 18 People v. Hofsheier (2006) 37 Cal.4th 1185, 1193–1194
In re J.P. (2009) 170 Cal.App.4th 1292, 1299
PC288a(b)(2) Oral copulation with a person under 16 by someone over 21 People v. Garcia (2008) 161 Cal.App.4th 475
People v. Luansing (2009) 176 Cal.App.4th 676, 682–683
People v. Hernandez (2008) 166 Cal.App.4th 641, 651
PC288a(e) Oral copulation while incarcerated People v. Ruffin (2011) 200 Cal.App.4th 669
PC288.2 Sending harmful matter to minor If a misdemeanor
PC289(h) or (i) Sexual penetration People v. Ranscht (2009) 173 Cal.App.4th 1369
PC311.2(a) Distribution of obscene matter
PC647(b) Prostitution
PC647(h),(i), or (j) Peeping
Offenses Requiring Sex Registration
Code Crime Notes
PC187 Murder committed in an attempt to perpetrate rape, PC286, PC288, PC288a, or PC289
PC207 Kidnapping committed with intent to PC261, PC286, PC288, PC288a, or PC289
PC209 Kidnapping for ransom committed with intent to PC261, PC286, PC288, PC288a, or PC289
PC220 Assault with intent to commit sex offenses Assault with intent to commit mayhem is excluded
PC236.1(b) or (c) Human trafficking Includes trafficking for extortion
PC243.4 Sexual battery
PC261(a)(1),(2),(3),(4), or (6) Rape
PC262(a)(1) Spousal rape Must involve use of force or violence and sentence to state prison
PC264.1 Aiding or abetting rape
PC266 Enticement of female minor
PC266c Consent to sex by fraud or fear
PC266h(b) Pimping a minor
PC266i(b) Pandering with a minor
PC266j Procurement of child under 16
PC267 Abduction of minor for prostitution
PC269 Aggravated sexual assault of a child
PC272 Contributing to delinquency of a minor If it involves lewd or lascivious conduct
PC285 Incest
PC286 Sodomy
PC288 Lewd act on a child
PC288a Oral copulation on a minor
PC288.2 Sending harmful matter to minor If a felony
PC288.3 Contacting minor to commit sexual offense
PC288.4 Arranging meeting with minor for lewd conduct
PC288.5 Continuous sexual abuse of a child
PC288.7 Sex with a child under 10 years of age
PC289 Sexual penetration
PC311.1 Distribution of obscene matter depicting minor
PC311.2(b), (c), or (d) Distribution of matter depicting minor engaging in sex
PC311.3 Sexual exploitation of child
PC311.4 Use of minor in obscene matter
PC311.10 Advertising obscene matter depicting minor
PC311.11 Possession of child pornography
PC314 Indecent exposure
PC647.6 Child molestation
Former PC647a Child molestation
PC653f(c) Solicitation of commission of certain sex offenses
PC182 Conspiracy of any of the above
PC664 Attempt of any of the above
PC290.006 Any offense committed as a result of sexual compulsion or for purposes of sexual gratification
WIC6300 Mentally disordered sex offender (MDSO)
WIC6600 Adjudication as a sexually violent predator (SVP)

Publication on Megan's Law website

With the passage of AB488 in 2004, many registered sex offenders have had their information published on the Internet. For all registered sex offenders on the website, the following information is published:

  • Name
  • Known aliases
  • Photograph
  • Physical description, including
    • Gender
    • Race
  • Date of birth
  • Criminal history
  • The year of conviction of the most recent offense requiring sex offender registration, if year of release is available
  • The year of release from incarceration for the most recent offense requiring sex offender registration
  • Whether the registrant was subsequently incarcerated for any other felony

Location data is dependent on the offense. It can be categorized into the following three categories:

PC290.46(b) Home Address Category
n.b. STATIC-99 scores are also published.
PC290.46(c) Conditional Home Address Category
Community of residence and ZIP code
Address, if convicted of another PC290(c) offense
PC290.46(d) ZIP Code Category
Community of residence and ZIP code

In addition, there are two more categories for registered sex offenders who may qualify for not being on the website.

PC290.46(e) Excluded Category
Offenses which require a registrant to be on the website, but a registrant may apply for exclusion from the website
Must have a Low or Moderate-Low SARATSO score, which be a score of −3 to 3 on the STATIC-99.
Undisclosed Category
Offenses that require registration but are not published on Megan's Law website.
n.b. Conspiracy of any offense, even though registration is required, is not published on the website

Despite a valiant try by Laura Arnold and Laura Sheppard, Doe v. Brown (2009) 177 Cal.App.4th 408, held that publication on the Megan's Law website is still required, even if one has had the charges dismissed under PC1203.4.

290.46(b) Home Address Category
Code Crime Notes
PC187 Murder committed in an attempt to perpetrate rape, PC286, PC288, PC288a, or PC289
PC207 Kidnapping committed with intent to PC261, PC286, PC288, PC288a, or PC289
PC209 Kidnapping for ransom committed with intent to PC261, PC286, PC288, PC288a, or PC289
PC261(a)(2) or (6) Rape by force or threat
PC264.1 Aiding or abetting rape
PC269 Aggravated sexual assault of a child
PC286(c) or (d) Sodomy
PC288(a) or (b) Lewd act on a child
PC288(c) Lewd act on a child If a felony
PC288a(c) or (d) Oral copulation on a minor
PC288.3 Contacting minor to commit sexual offense If a felony
PC288.4 Arranging meeting with minor for lewd conduct If a felony
PC288.5 Continuous sexual abuse of a child
PC288.7 Sex with a child under 10 years of age
PC289(a) Sexual penetration by force or fear
PC289(j) Sexual penetration on someone who is under 14 years old under and 10 or more years younger
PC311.1 Distribution of obscene matter depicting minor If a felony
PC311.2(b),(c), or (d) Obscene matter depicting minor If a felony
PC311.3 Sexual exploitation of a child If a felony
PC311.4(a), (b), or (c) Use of minor in making prohibited matter If a felony
PC311.10 Advertising child pornography
PC311.11 Possession of child pornography If a felony
PC664 Attempt of any of the above
WIC6600 Adjudication as a sexually violent predator (SVP)
290.46(c) Conditional Home Address Category
Code Crime Notes
PC220 Assault with intent to commit sex offenses Assault with intent to commit mayhem is excluded
PC261(a)(1),(3), or (4) Rape of disabled, intoxicated, or unconscious person
PC286(b)(2),(f),(g), or (i) Sodomy
PC288a(b)(2),(f),(g), or (i) Oral copulation
PC289(b) Sexual penetration on a disabled person
PC289(d) Sexual penetration on an unconscious person
PC289(e) Sexual penetration on an intoxicated person
PC289(i) Sexual penetration by person 21 years or older on person under 16 years of age
PC664 Attempt of any of the above
290.46(d) ZIP Code Category
Code Crime Notes
PC243.4(a) Sexual battery If a felony
PC266 Enticement of female minor If a felony
PC266c Consent to sex by fraud or fear If a felony
PC266j Procurement of child under 16
PC267 Abduction of minor for prostitution
PC288(c) PC288(c) as a misdemeanor
PC288.3 Contacting minor to commit sexual offense If a misdemeanor
PC288.4 Arranging meeting with minor for lewd conduct If a misdemeanor
PC626.81 Registered sex offender on school grounds
PC647.6 Child molestation
PC653c Solicitation of commission of certain sex offenses
PC664 Attempt of any of the above
290.46(e) Excluded Category
Code Crime Notes
PC243.4(a) Sexual battery If a felony
PC647.6 Child molestation If a misdemeanor
PC311.1 Distribution of obscene matter depicting minor If a felony and if victim was 16 years or older
PC311.2(b), (c), or (d) Distribution of matter depicting minor engaging in sex If victim was 16 years or older
PC311.3 Sexual exploitation of child If victim was 16 years or older
PC311.4 Use of minor in obscene matter If victim was 16 years or older
PC311.10 Advertising obscene matter depicting minor If victim was 16 years or older
PC311.11 Possession of child pornography If victim was 16 years or older
On or completed probation, and registrant is victim's parent, stepparent, sibling, or grandparent, and offense did not involve oral copulation or penetration
Undisclosed category
Code Crime Notes
PC236.1(b) or (c) Human trafficking Includes trafficking for extortion
PC243.4(a) Sexual battery If a misdemeanor
PC243.4(b),(c),(d), or (e) Sexual battery
PC262(a)(1) Spousal rape Must involve use of force or violence and sentence to state prison
PC266 Enticement of female minor If a misdemeanor
PC266c Consent to sex by fraud or fear If a misdemeanor
PC272 Contributing to delinquency of a minor If it involves lewd or lascivious conduct
PC285 Incest
PC286(b)(1),(e),(h),(j), or (k) Sodomy
PC288(c) Lewd act on a child If a misdemeanor
PC288a(b)(1),(e),(h),(j), or(k) Oral copulation
PC288.2 Sending harmful matter to minor If a felony
PC289(c) Sexual penetration on a disabled person while both parties are in mental hospital
PC289(f) Sexual penetration by fraudulent identity
PC289(g) Sexual penetration by threat of authority
PC289(h) Sexual penetration on a minor
PC311.1 Distribution of obscene matter depicting minor If a misdemeanor
PC311.2(c) Distribution to persons 18 years or older of any matter depicting minor engaging in sex If a misdemeanor
PC311.3 Sexual exploitation of a child If a misdemeanor
PC311.4(a) Use of minor to make prohibited matter If a misdemeanor
PC311.11 Possession of child pornography If a misdemeanor
PC314 Indecent exposure
PC664 Attempt of any of the above
PC290.006 Any offense committed as a result of sexual compulsion or for purposes of sexual gratification
PC182 Conspiracy

Relief from registration

Under PC290.5, registration is no longer required if one receives a Certificate of Rehabilitation. For misdemeanor sex offenses, a PC1203.4 is required before one can apply for a Certificate of Rehabilitation. However, because as explained later, the list of offenses from which one is actually eligible for relief from registration via Certificate of Rehabilitation is comparatively small. It is as follows:

Relief from registration eligible offenses
Code Crime Notes
PC187 Murder committed in an attempt to perpetrate rape, PC286, PC288, PC288a, or PC289
PC220 Assault with intent to commit mayhem only
PC236.1(b) or (c) Human trafficking Includes trafficking for extortion
PC243.4 Sexual battery If a misdemeanor
PC262(a)(1) Spousal rape
PC266h(b) Pimping a minor
PC266i(b) Pandering with a minor
PC272 Contributing to delinquency of a minor If it involves lewd or lascivious conduct
PC285 Incest
PC286(e) Sodomy while in custody
PC288a(e) Oral copulation while in custody
PC288.2 Sending harmful matter to minor If a felony
PC288.3 Contacting minor to commit sexual offense
PC288.4 Arranging meeting with minor for lewd conduct
PC289(c) Sexual penetration on a disabled person in a hospital
PC311.1 Distribution of obscene matter depicting minor If prison imposed and executed
PC311.2(b), (c), or (d) Distribution of matter depicting minor engaging in sex If prison sentence imposed and executed
PC311.3 Sexual exploitation of child If prison sentence imposed and executed
PC311.4 Use of minor in obscene matter
PC311.10 Advertising obscene matter depicting minor
PC311.11 Possession of child pornography If prison sentence imposed and executed
PC314 Indecent exposure
Former PC647a Child molestation
PC653f(c) Solicitation of commission of certain sex offenses
PC182 Conspiracy
PC290.006 Any offense committed as a result of sexual compulsion or for purposes of sexual gratification

Because PC1203.4 relief is barred, a Certificate of Rehabilitation becomes legally impossible, so there is no relief from registration for the following offenses, other than possibly a governor's pardon:

PC1203.4 ineligible offenses
Code Crime Notes
PC311.1 Distribution of obscene matter depicting minor If a misdemeanor or if probation granted
PC311.2 Distribution of matter depicting minor engaging in sex If a misdemeanor or if probation granted
PC311.3 Sexual exploitation of child If a misdemeanor or if probation granted
PC311.11 Possession of child pornography If a misdemeanor or if probation granted

Absurdly, one can still file for a Certificate of Rehabilitation and get relief from registration for the above offenses if one went to prison for them.

Relief from registration is barred by PC4582.01(c) for the following offenses. A governor's pardon may relieve one from registration, but by PC4852.01(d), it only shall be granted "if there are extraordinary circumstances."

Certificate of Rehabilitation ineligible offenses
Code Crime Notes
PC269 Aggravated sexual assault of a child
PC286(c) Sodomy
PC288 Lewd act on a child
PC288a(c) Oral copulation
PC288.5 Continuous sexual abuse of a child
PC288.7 Sex with a child under 10 years of age Added by AB1438(2014)
PC289(j) Sexual penetration on person under 14 years of age and younger by 10 years

Relief from registration is not available, even if one gets a Certificate of Rehabilitation, for the following offenses, unless one gets a governor's pardon:

Relief from registration ineligible offenses
Code Crime Notes
PC207 Kidnapping committed with intent to commit PC261, PC286, PC288, PC288a, or PC289
PC209 Kidnapping for ransom committed with intent to commit PC261, PC286, PC288, PC288a, or PC289
PC220 Assault with intent to commit sex offenses Assault with intent to commit mayhem is excluded
PC243.4 Sexual battery If a felony
PC261(a)(1),(2),(3),(4), or (6) Rape
PC264.1 Aiding or abetting rape
PC266 Enticement of female minor If a felony
PC266c Consent to sex by fraud or fear If a felony
PC266j Procurement of child under 16
PC267 Abduction of minor for prostitution
PC269 Aggravated sexual assault of a child
PC286(b)(1) Sodomy on person under 18 years of age If a felony
PC286(b)(2),(c),(d),(f),(g),(i),(j), or (k) Sodomy
PC288 Lewd act on a child
PC288a(b)(1) Oral copulation on person under 18 years of age If a felony
PC288a(b)(2),(c),(d),(f),(g),(i),(j), or (k) Oral copulation
PC288.5 Continuous sexual abuse of a child
PC288.7 Sex with a child under 10 years of age
PC289(a),(b),(d),(e),(f),(g), or (h) Sexual penetration If a felony
PC289(i) or (j) Sexual penetration of person under 16 years of age
PC647.6 Child molestation But see PC290.5(b)(2) in regards to misdemeanor 647.6.
PC664 Attempt of any of the above
  Foreign convictions equivalent to any of the above


Penal Code section 290 (from 11/07/12 to 12/31/2017)

(a) Sections 290 to 290.024, inclusive, shall be known and may be cited as the Sex Offender Registration Act. All references to “the Act” in those sections are to the Sex Offender Registration Act.

(b) Every person described in subdivision (c), for the rest of his or her life while residing in California, or while attending school or working in California, as described in Sections 290.002 and 290.01, shall be required to register with the chief of police of the city in which he or she is residing, or the sheriff of the county if he or she is residing in an unincorporated area or city that has no police department, and, additionally, with the chief of police of a campus of the University of California, the California State University, or community college if he or she is residing upon the campus or in any of its facilities, within five working days of coming into, or changing his or her residence within, any city, county, or city and county, or campus in which he or she temporarily resides, and shall be required to register thereafter in accordance with the Act.

(c) The following persons shall be required to register:

Any person who, since July 1, 1944, has been or is hereafter convicted in any court in this state or in any federal or military court of a violation of Section 187 committed in the perpetration, or an attempt to perpetrate, rape or any act punishable under Section 286, 288, 288a, or 289, Section 207 or 209 committed with intent to violate Section 261, 286, 288, 288a, or 289, Section 220, except assault to commit mayhem, subdivision (b) and (c) of Section 236.1, Section 243.4, paragraph (1), (2), (3), (4), or (6) of subdivision (a) of Section 261, paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 262 involving the use of force or violence for which the person is sentenced to the state prison, Section 264.1, 266, or 266c, subdivision (b) of Section 266h, subdivision (b) of Section 266i, Section 266j, 267, 269, 285, 286, 288, 288a, 288.3, 288.4, 288.5, 288.7, 289, or 311.1, subdivision (b), (c), or (d) of Section 311.2, Section 311.3, 311.4, 311.10, 311.11, or 647.6, former Section 647a, subdivision (c) of Section 653f, subdivision 1 or 2 of Section 314, any offense involving lewd or lascivious conduct under Section 272, or any felony violation of Section 288.2; any statutory predecessor that includes all elements of one of the above-mentioned offenses; or any person who since that date has been or is hereafter convicted of the attempt or conspiracy to commit any of the above-mentioned offenses.

Penal Code section 290 (from 01/01/18 to 12/31/2020)

(a) Sections 290 to 290.024, inclusive, shall be known and may be cited as the Sex Offender Registration Act. All references to “the Act” in those sections are to the Sex Offender Registration Act.

(b) Every person described in subdivision (c), for the rest of his or her life while residing in California, or while attending school or working in California, as described in Sections 290.002 and 290.01, shall register with the chief of police of the city in which he or she is residing, or the sheriff of the county if he or she is residing in an unincorporated area or city that has no police department, and, additionally, with the chief of police of a campus of the University of California, the California State University, or community college if he or she is residing upon the campus or in any of its facilities, within five working days of coming into, or changing his or her residence within, any city, county, or city and county, or campus in which he or she temporarily resides, and shall be required to register thereafter in accordance with the Act.

(c) The following persons shall register:

Any person who, since July 1, 1944, has been or is hereafter convicted in any court in this state or in any federal or military court of a violation of Section 187 committed in the perpetration, or an attempt to perpetrate, rape or any act punishable under Section 286, 288, 288a, or 289, Section 207 or 209 committed with intent to violate Section 261, 286, 288, 288a, or 289, Section 220, except assault to commit mayhem, subdivision (b) and (c) of Section 236.1, Section 243.4, Section 261, paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 262 involving the use of force or violence for which the person is sentenced to the state prison, Section 264.1, 266, or 266c, subdivision (b) of Section 266h, subdivision (b) of Section 266i, Section 266j, 267, 269, 285, 286, 288, 288a, 288.3, 288.4, 288.5, 288.7, 289, or 311.1, subdivision (b), (c), or (d) of Section 311.2, Section 311.3, 311.4, 311.10, 311.11, or 647.6, former Section 647a, subdivision (c) of Section 653f, subdivision 1 or 2 of Section 314, any offense involving lewd or lascivious conduct under Section 272, or any felony violation of Section 288.2; any statutory predecessor that includes all elements of one of the above-mentioned offenses; or any person who since that date has been or is hereafter convicted of the attempt or conspiracy to commit any of the above-mentioned offenses.

(d) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2021, and as of that date is repealed.

Penal Code section 290 (from 01/01/21 onwards)

(a) Sections 290 to 290.024, inclusive, shall be known and may be cited as the Sex Offender Registration Act. All references to “the Act” in those sections are to the Sex Offender Registration Act.

(b) Every person described in subdivision (c), for the period specified in subdivision (d) while residing in California, or while attending school or working in California, as described in Sections 290.002 and 290.01, shall register with the chief of police of the city in which he or she is residing, or the sheriff of the county if he or she is residing in an unincorporated area or city that has no police department, and, additionally, with the chief of police of a campus of the University of California, the California State University, or community college if he or she is residing upon the campus or in any of its facilities, within five working days of coming into, or changing his or her residence within, any city, county, or city and county, or campus in which he or she temporarily resides, and shall register thereafter in accordance with the Act, unless the duty to register is terminated pursuant to Section 290.5 or as otherwise provided by law.

(c) The following persons shall register:

Every person who, since July 1, 1944, has been or is hereafter convicted in any court in this state or in any federal or military court of a violation of Section 187 committed in the perpetration, or an attempt to perpetrate, rape or any act punishable under Section 286, 288, 288a, or 289, Section 207 or 209 committed with intent to violate Section 261, 286, 288, 288a, or 289, Section 220, except assault to commit mayhem, subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 236.1, Section 243.4, Section 261, paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 262 involving the use of force or violence for which the person is sentenced to the state prison, Section 264.1, 266, or 266c, subdivision (b) of Section 266h, subdivision (b) of Section 266i, Section 266j, 267, 269, 285, 286, 288, 288a, 288.3, 288.4, 288.5, 288.7, 289, or 311.1, subdivision (b), (c), or (d) of Section 311.2, Section 311.3, 311.4, 311.10, 311.11, or 647.6, former Section 647a, subdivision (c) of Section 653f, subdivision 1 or 2 of Section 314, any offense involving lewd or lascivious conduct under Section 272, or any felony violation of Section 288.2; any statutory predecessor that includes all elements of one of the offenses described in this subdivision; or any person who since that date has been or is hereafter convicted of the attempt or conspiracy to commit any of the offenses described in this subdivision.

(d) A person described in subdivision (c), or who is otherwise required to register pursuant to the Act shall register for 10 years, 20 years, or life, following a conviction and release from incarceration, placement, commitment, or release on probation or other supervision, as follows:

(A) A tier one offender is subject to registration for a minimum of 10 years. A person is a tier one offender if the person is required to register for conviction of a misdemeanor described in subdivision (c), or for conviction of a felony described in subdivision (c) that was not a serious or violent felony as described in subdivision (c) of Section 667.5 or subdivision (c) of Section 1192.7.
(B) This paragraph does not apply to a person who is subject to registration pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3).
(2) (A) A tier two offender is subject to registration for a minimum of 20 years. A person is a tier two offender if the person was convicted of an offense described in subdivision (c) that is also described in subdivision (c) of Section 667.5 or subdivision (c) of Section 1192.7, Section 285, subdivision (g) or (h)of Section 286, subdivision (g) or (h) of Section 288a, subdivision (b) of Section 289, or Section 647.6 if it is a second or subsequent conviction for that offense that was brought and tried separately.
(B) This paragraph does not apply if the person is subject to lifetime registration as required in paragraph (3).
(3) A tier three offender is subject to registration for life. A person is a tier three offender if any one of the following applies:
(A) Following conviction of a registerable offense, the person was subsequently convicted in a separate proceeding of committing an offense described in subdivision (c) and the conviction is for commission of a violent felony described in subdivision (c) of Section 667.5, or the person was subsequently convicted of committing an offense for which the person was ordered to register pursuant to Section 290.006, and the conviction is for the commission of a violent felony described in subdivision (c) of Section 667.5.
(B) The person was committed to a state mental hospital as a sexually violent predator pursuant to Article 4 (commencing with Section 6600) of Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 6 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
(C) The person was convicted of violating any of the following:
(i) Section 187 while attempting to commit or committing an act punishable under Section 261, 286, 288, 288a, or 289.
(ii) Section 207 or 209 with intent to violate Section 261, 286, 288, 288a, or 289.
(iii) Section 220.
(iv) Subdivision (b) of Section 266h.
(v) Subdivision (b) of Section 266i.
(vi) Section 266j.
(vii) Section 267.
(viii) Section 269.
(ix) Subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 288.
(x) Section 288.2.
(xi) Section 288.3, unless committed with the intent to commit a violation of subdivision (b) of Section 286, subdivision (b) of Section 288a, or subdivision (h) or (i) of Section 289.
(xii) Section 288.4.
(xiii) Section 288.5.
(xiv) Section 288.7.
(xv) Subdivision (c) of Section 653f.
(xvi) Any offense for which the person is sentenced to a life term pursuant to Section 667.61.
(D) The person’s risk level on the static risk assessment instrument for sex offenders (SARATSO), pursuant to Section 290.04, is well above average risk at the time of release on the index sex offense into the community, as defined in the Coding Rules for that instrument.
(E) The person is a habitual sex offender pursuant to Section 667.71.
(F) The person was convicted of violating subdivision (a) of Section 288 in two proceedings brought and tried separately.
(G) The person was sentenced to 15 to 25 years to life for an offense listed in Section 667.61.
(H) The person is required to register pursuant to Section 290.004.
(I) The person was convicted of a felony offense described in subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 236.1.
(J) The person was convicted of a felony offense described in subdivision (a), (c), or (d) of Section 243.4.
(K) The person was convicted of violating paragraph (2), (3), or (4) of subdivision (a) of Section 261 or was convicted of violating Section 261 and punished pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) of subdivision (c) of Section 264.
(L) The person was convicted of violating paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 262.
(M) The person was convicted of violating Section 264.1.
(N) The person was convicted of any offense involving lewd or lascivious conduct under Section 272.
(O) The person was convicted of violating paragraph (2) of subdivision (c) or subdivision (d), (f), or (i) of Section 286.
(P) The person was convicted of violating paragraph (2) of subdivision (c) or subdivision (d), (f), or (i) of Section 288a.
(Q) The person was convicted of violating paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) or subdivision (d), (e), or (j) of Section 289.
(R) The person was convicted of a felony violation of Section 311.1 or 311.11 or of violating subdivision (b), (c), or (d) of Section 311.2, Section 311.3, 311.4, or 311.10.
(A) A person who is required to register pursuant to Section 290.005 shall be placed in the appropriate tier if the offense is assessed as equivalent to a California registerable offense described in subdivision (c).
(B) If the person’s duty to register pursuant to Section 290.005 is based solely on the requirement of registration in another jurisdiction, and there is no equivalent California registerable offense, the person shall be subject to registration as a tier two offender, except that the person is subject to registration as a tier three offender if one of the following applies:
(i) The person’s risk level on the static risk assessment instrument (SARATSO), pursuant to Section 290.06, is well above average risk at the time of release on the index sex offense into the community, as defined in the Coding Rules for that instrument.
(ii) The person was subsequently convicted in a separate proceeding of an offense substantially similar to an offense listed in subdivision (c) which is also substantially similar to an offense described in subdivision (c) of Section 667.5, or is substantially similar to Section 269 or 288.7.
(iii) The person has ever been committed to a state mental hospital or mental health facility in a proceeding substantially similar to civil commitment as a sexually violent predator pursuant to Article 4 (commencing with Section 6600) of Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 6 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
(A) The Department of Justice may place a person described in subdivision (c), or who is otherwise required to register pursuant to the Act, in a tier-to-be-determined category if his or her appropriate tier designation described in this subdivision cannot be immediately ascertained. An individual placed in this tier-to-be-determined category shall continue to register in accordance with the Act. The individual shall be given credit for any period for which he or she registers towards his or her mandated minimum registration period.
(B) The Department of Justice shall ascertain an individual’s appropriate tier designation as described in this subdivision within 24 months of his or her placement in the tier-to-be-determined category.

(e) The minimum time period for the completion of the required registration period in tier one or two commences on the date of release from incarceration, placement, or commitment, including any related civil commitment on the registerable offense. The minimum time for the completion of the required registration period for a designated tier is tolled during any period of subsequent incarceration, placement, or commitment, including any subsequent civil commitment, except that arrests not resulting in conviction, adjudication, or revocation of probation or parole shall not toll the required registration period. The minimum time period shall be extended by one year for each misdemeanor conviction of failing to register under this act, and by three years for each felony conviction of failing to register under this act, without regard to the actual time served in custody for the conviction. If a registrant is subsequently convicted of another offense requiring registration pursuant to the Act, a new minimum time period for the completion of the registration requirement for the applicable tier shall commence upon that person’s release from incarceration, placement, or commitment, including any related civil commitment. If the subsequent conviction requiring registration pursuant to the Act occurs prior to an order to terminate the registrant from the registry after completion of a tier associated with the first conviction for a registerable offense, the applicable tier shall be the highest tier associated with the convictions.

(f) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require a ward of the juvenile court to register under the Act, except as provided in Section 290.008.

(g) This section shall become operative on January 1, 2021

Penal Code section 290.007

Any person required to register pursuant to any provision of the Act shall register in accordance with the Act, regardless of whether the person’s conviction has been dismissed pursuant to Section 1203.4, unless the person obtains a certificate of rehabilitation and is entitled to relief from registration pursuant to Section 290.5.

Penal Code section 290.5


(1) A person required to register under Section 290 for an offense not listed in paragraph (2), upon obtaining a certificate of rehabilitation under Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 4852.01) of Title 6 of Part 3, shall be relieved of any further duty to register under Section 290 if he or she is not in custody, on parole, or on probation.
(2) A person required to register under Section 290, upon obtaining a certificate of rehabilitation under Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 4852.01) of Title 6 of Part 3, shall not be relieved of the duty to register under Section 290, or of the duty to register under Section 290 for any offense subject to that section of which he or she is convicted in the future, if his or her conviction is for one of the following offenses:
(A) Section 207 or 209 committed with the intent to violate Section 261, 286, 288, 288a, or 289.
(B) Section 220, except assault to commit mayhem.
(C) Section 243.4, provided that the offense is a felony.
(D) Paragraph (1), (2), (3), (4), or (6) of subdivision (a) of Section 261.
(E) Section 264.1.
(F) Section 266, provided that the offense is a felony.
(G) Section 266c, provided that the offense is a felony.
(H) Section 266j.
(I) Section 267.
(J) Section 269.
(K) Paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section 286, provided that the offense is a felony.
(L) Paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of, or subdivision (c), (d), (f), (g), (i), (j), or (k) of, Section 286.
(M) Section 288.
(N) Paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section 288a, provided that the offense is a felony.
(O) Paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of, or subdivision (c), (d), (f), (g), (i), (j), or (k) of, Section 288a.
(P) Section 288.5.
(Q) Section 288.7.
(R) Subdivision (a), (b), (d), (e), (f), (g), or (h) of Section 289, provided that the offense is a felony.
(S) Subdivision (i) or (j) of Section 289.
(T) Section 647.6.
(U) The attempted commission of any of the offenses specified in this paragraph.
(V) The statutory predecessor of any of the offenses specified in this paragraph.
(W) Any offense which, if committed or attempted in this state, would have been punishable as one or more of the offenses specified in this paragraph.


(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3), a person described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) shall not be relieved of the duty to register until that person has obtained a full pardon as provided in Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 4800) or Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 4850) of Title 6 of Part 3.
(2)This subdivision does not apply to misdemeanor violations of Section 647.6.
(3)The court, upon granting a petition for a certificate of rehabilitation pursuant to Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 4852.01) of Title 6 of Part 3, if the petition was granted prior to January 1, 1998, may relieve a person of the duty to register under Section 290 for a violation of Section 288 or 288.5, provided that the person was granted probation pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 1203.066, has complied with the provisions of Section 290 for a continuous period of at least 10 years immediately preceding the filing of the petition, and has not been convicted of a felony during that period.

Penal Code section 1203.4

(b) Subdivision (a) of this section does not apply to any misdemeanor that is within the provisions of Section 42002.1 of the Vehicle Code, to any violation of subdivision (c) of Section 286, Section 288, subdivision (c) of Section 288a, Section 288.5, subdivision (j) of Section 289, Section 311.1, 311.2, 311.3, or 311.11, or any felony conviction pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 261.5, or to any infraction.

Penal Code section 4852.01

(b) A person convicted of a felony or a person who is convicted of a misdemeanor violation of any sex offense specified in Section 290, the accusatory pleading of which has been dismissed pursuant to Section 1203.4, may file a petition for certificate of rehabilitation and pardon pursuant to the provisions of this chapter if the petitioner has not been incarcerated in a prison, jail, detention facility, or other penal institution or agency since the dismissal of the accusatory pleading, is not on probation for the commission of any other felony, and the petitioner presents satisfactory evidence of five years’ residence in this state prior to the filing of the petition.

(c) This chapter does not apply to persons serving a mandatory life parole, persons committed under death sentences, persons convicted of a violation of Section 269, subdivision (c) of Section 286, Section 288, subdivision (c) of Section 288a, Section 288.5, Section 288.7, or subdivision (j) of Section 289, or persons in military service.

(d) Notwithstanding any other law, the Governor has the right to pardon a person convicted of a violation of Section 269, subdivision (c) of Section 286, Section 288, subdivision (c) of Section 288a, Section 288.5, Section 288.7, or subdivision (j) of Section 289, if there are extraordinary circumstances.